Friday, April 28, 2017

Name of God VS god VS Lord

Name of God VS god VS LORD....     SUBSCRIBE  
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DATE of posting:       28 April 2017  afternoon


My TURNING POINT for beginning to call God "Yahweh" as He SAID His Name is, in Exodus 3:14 (Easy to remember: Math's Infinite PI)... was a FB post encouraging people in March 2016 to give their annual reverence by praying together to honor God: It said, 

"May the almighty Lord Shiva bless you all with good things & perfect health."..(Hindu god) //.. We FORGET: (1) "GOD" is a noun; many are called by that noun- with or without capital G. "LORD" is a title; many are called that. “Almighty” and even "Creator" are among words credited to many beings that even if real are NOT THE One True God whose Name is YHWH "I AM [who] I AM.” In Hebrew, the symbols (letters) that refer to His Name cannot even be called spellings-- they're nothing like any name- unpronounce-able (so we add vowels trying to say it), unique forms seen NO where else.

Would YOU want to be called "Hitler" or "Satan" or some other Name
that makes you feel nauseous to think of... much less to be associated with?....
YHWH  God says to have NOTHING to do with false gods...
so of Course He, like you, wants to be called by HIS Name...
not a name used by evil or non-existent beings!

What does LORD God say ?? 
Exodus 3:14-15
And God said to Moses, YHWH YHWH- I AM  I AM.” 
And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” 
MOREOVER, God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:...
This is My name forever, 
and this is My memorial to ALL  generations.’ " 
 <all generations of people.... Not just to "Jews" or "Israel">

From actual Facebook parables posted... For future use in original songs at FREE 
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