Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine Blessings Facebook Parable - by DianaDee Osborne

Valentine Blessings ....     SUBSCRIBE  
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DATE of posting:       16 February 2015

Who but a caring, big-hearted God would "heal a laptop" without humans touching it,
after weeks of problems that couldn't be identified?

No... I'm not kidding. Sure, maybe it's "coincidence" that my 4-yr-old portable workhorse that supplements my older Mac home studio workstation and kept crashing for weeks suddenly began working fine 2 months ago: Long enough to call "healed".... We've all had blessings that even those who believe in God would call "coincidence".
But I learned in GEOMETRY: 
You can't prove a line by only 2 points  (dots connected). 
You can stay suspicious of the calculated points if there are only 5 points   (events). 
But if there are 10, 20... 
You have an assured LINE. 

.... Like: when my low mileage van dies exactly at the safest place on road but engine lasts long enough to get UP-hill into a public lot... 

Or my car spins on black ice even at 25 mph, & slowly comes to rest against the
ONLY hill    between 2 deep drop-offs (years ago, but still praising God for miracle!)... 

Or doctors says for some reason he can't do the usual checkup test that worked fine for me last time-- so he has to do a substitute test for plain checkup which shows a softball cyst that the usual test never would have (last August)... 

Hey, there's 4 points right there in my life LINE: .... EVIDENCES of GOD helping.
Way beyond   "luck"    or     "coincidence".                                                                

.... We EACH have a caring, BIG-hearted God as our VALENTINE: 
Not just John 3:16 & 17 assurances of His love... 
or Jonah 4:11 (check THAT book's last line Valentine!) ....    INTRIGUING LINK
.........................  or the many etc's. 
First John 4: "THIS is real love—not that we loved God,                    LINK
but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." 
(verse 10 ................... .................. ........................ of many).

What does LORD God say ??  
"I LOVE you."  He even cared about the evil people of the land now called MOSUL,
that was described as blood flowing through the streets in Nahum 3.
God LOVES each person. See the end of Jonah. See the end of Matthew.
God weeps over those who reject Him... and thus shall be destroyed.

From actual Facebook parables posted... For future use in original songs at FREE 
music website with almost 400 MP3 audios & downloadable music sheets, at
                        No registration needed to use music website!
©2015 DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website. 
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With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.

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