Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Thorny Locust Trees FACEBOOK PARABLE - by DianaDee Osborne

Thorny Locust Trees ....     SUBSCRIBE  
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DATE of posting:      21 September 2015

Locust trees & Feeling Miffed: THE CONNECTION

Locusts are a great hard wood for fires, 
have fragrant long flower bunches
in the spring... 
    and thorns. 
Young branches have tiny bitty protrusions 
you can mock as useless defense-- 
much like a young kitten's claws 
that can't hurt you. BUT.. they grow long, hard, actually dangerous: 

Can cut deep into your skin- causing blood to flow fast.
FEELING MIFFED is a joke I've used: 
"I may get miffed a lot, 
              but I seldom get actually angry." 
Today cutting down various length locust thorns NEGLECTED for months, 
growing in far end of yard, I realized: 

We each   "invite" dangerous sin 
by not cutting down the little miff feelings... 
 before they grow in time to actual   FURY. 

What does LORD God say ??    James 1:15 b:
   "...sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth DEATH."

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