Thursday, September 17, 2015

Waiting for Return Day! FACEBOOK PARABLE - by DianaDee Osborne

Waiting For Return Day! ....     SUBSCRIBE  
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DATE of posting:       17 September 2015

When I was a kid, my Grandmother from "eons away" (60 miles) would come visit about every 2 months. I'd nag & nag starting ~5 weeks after a visit, "Is she coming soon?!"

Then the Day would finally come. We'd listen out for her car-- starting long before she'd said she'd be there, hoping she left early.
We'd get SO disappointed each time we looked down road::: NO Gram. 
We'd get SO disappointed each time a car DID come down this **c-o-u-n-t-r-y** road-- No one hardly used it--
what heartache as we realized it was the wrong car. 

Sometimes one WOULD come down our drive!--
and it'd be some church lady coming to bring Mom something. :(

Finally I'd assign my little brother to wait at the window 
while    I TRIED to FORGET    that Gram was coming, 
o I'd quit feeling disappointment >>>

We've been hearing for centuries that Messiah is coming back!
We watch the news in excitement, hoping-- looks like it's almost time.
But again & again disappointment comes-- 
til   many Christians just quit looking & 
         TRY to FORGET  He's coming!  H
 and other people fulfill Jesus's prophecy of mockings of "
      Where IS he,  huh huh, huh- ??!" ...    
Meanwhile the Jews & Muslims & Buddhists etc have been waiting & repeatedly disappointed by false messiahs -- before as well as since after Jesus came.

What does LORD God say ??  
God has called us to keep reminding people that He keeps His promise... that He is coming... that until that special arrival time in Earth's history of Jesus's return,
we STILL have the Ever-present YHWH God with us-- 
Emmanuel, God with Us 
Isaiah 7:4  PROPHECY  PROMISE  of God:  ...    Click here for LINK
(Matthew 1: 23, easy pattern to remember). 
 And one day, like my little brother used to do, 
we will have the joy of proclaiming loudly 
to anyone who'll hear-- 
as we rush out to Welcome Him:     "He's   HERE !!!"      

Another easy to find reference pattern: 2 Peter 3:4  (2-3-4), "where is He?"
Spoken of by Jesus thru Matthew 24:

Photo Source:   auto. howstuffworks. .com /elsd2 . htm
From actual Facebook parables posted... For future use in original songs at FREE 
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©2015 DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website. 
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With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.

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